Diaper Bag Essentials

A diaper bag can prove helpful for many expected and unexpected situations. The size of the diaper bag doesn't need to be large but big enough for you to carry everything you need. Your bag doesn't need to be the typical diaper bag either. You can use a bookbag or a purse for your carrying needs.

The essential items that you need may change as you're child gets older, but these all should be included in the beginning:

1. At least 3 extra diapers.
The more you have the better because sometimes a baby can poop immediately after being changed. This also helps if you forget to pack more because you at least should have 1 left.
2. An extra pack of wipes.
Wipes can be used to wipe so many different messes for you and your baby. Having a pack of wipes separate from the one you use in your home keeps you from using them up as quickly.
3. An extra set of clothes.
This is helpful for leaky diapers, spit up, and other messes that may soil your baby's clothing. (Also include an extra bib)
4. A blanket.
Baby's cannot insulate heat as well so even if you have your baby bundled up in a thick full body onesie it helps. It's good for it starts raining, the window is open in the car, and making your child feel safer in unknown environments.
5. A bottle of milk or nursing cover
Healthy babies eat often. If you can't get your baby to calm down they are most likely hungry. Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed it's good to be prepared to do it at any time.
6. Hand sanitizer.
For when you touch anything other than your baby. Keep you and your baby safe. (A little bit of germs builds immunity but a lot can cause illness.)

Here are a few other things you can add that are more optional:
  1. Snacks, for when you nurse.
  2. Bottled Water, if the baby drinks all of the milk clean water can help keep them satisfied.
  3. An extra shirt for yourself, projectile vomit is a thing.
  4. Extra nursing pad, if you bottled your breastmilk but it's time to feed you may leak milk.
  5. A toy or teething ring.

I hope this is helpful and helps you to be prepared for anything. Share this with your friends to help them as well!


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