
Showing posts from January, 2023

Start the year off right! Free Planners & Trackers

 Over the past year I started making some planners and trackers on Google Sheets. My goal was to create planners that were cute and easily accessible for me. I can have every Google application on almost every device I own so this is my preferred way to keep trackers. Also, it's all free!  For most of my events I just prefer to use Google calendar because it's easily sharable but for daily or weekly tasks I like to use my planners. If I'm going through and making meticulous lists and/or breaking down the tasks into smaller tasks i use my planner that I made on Google Sheets. I also made meal and content planners.  I will make a workout tracker and a more generic budget later on because I realize that I want to track my workouts and that my budget planner is way to specific. Meal Planner Template Excel Document Weekly Planner Template Excel Document Content Planner Template Excel Document

Happy New Year

2022 was a year of ups and downs. I saw a lot of good and bad changes in both work and life that will change how I do things this year. I won't go into a lot of detail because these are all really minor tweaks here and there. This year I want to do more without overextending myself. Last year I tried to work, go to school, be a good mom, and actually enjoy things I couldn't before. Of course, work and being a mom took precedence over the other things and there was really only 1 slot left for me. If I can only focus on one 3rd major life implementation. I have to be serious and understand that I can't go half way.  This does not include the minor things that I've been trying to improve such as learning to drive, create a social media presence, and give myself a sustainable morning/night routine.  I cut my hair the week before new years  Career- This year is a pivotal year for my career. It's not a job I can just quit and missing a day is not an option. I want to do m...